The WG Pandemic Accord and IHR Reform is an initiative of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Fiocruz (Center for International Relations, CRIS) and the University of São Paulo, USP (Institute of International Relations, IRI; and Faculty of Public Health, with the Postgraduate Program in Global Health and Sustainability and the Center for Study and Research in Health Law, CEPEDISA).

Multidisciplinary in nature, the WG is composed of specialists and guests from the academic community, the health sector, civil society, parliament, and state agencies related to the theme. Aimed at the consolidation of a Global South, and particularly Brazilian, perspective of Global Health regulation, the GT intends to provide subsidies to society and the Brazilian State to critically monitor the ongoing negotiations and eventual formulation of proposals, as well as to promote and disseminate academic production on this theme.

International Health Regulations Reform - IHR

Agreement on Pandemics - Intergovernmental Negotiating Body


A OMC quebrará patentes de covid-19? Matéria de Guilherme Arruda, Outra Saúde

Discussão sobre patentes entrava acordo sobre pandemias, por Carmel Paul para Politico

Entidades globais assinam carta aberta como pedido de reforço às negociações em torno do acordo sobre pandemias 

A Europa sabotará o Acordo Anti-Pandemias? Por Sangeeta Shashikant (TWN), portal Outra Saúde

Seminário conjunto CRIS-GT discute avanços, desafios e retrocessos nas negociações da OMS sobre o acordo de pandemias e as emendas ao RSI

OMS cria “Comissão da Sociedade Civil” para fortalecer o diálogo com entidades sociais

Vigésimo aniversário da Convenção-quadro para o controle do tabaco: artigo de Lee et al. apresenta balanço crítico de sua implementação