Digital technology and COVID-19, artigo de Daniel Shu Wei Ting, Lawrence Carin, Victor Dzau e Tien Y. Wong

8 setembro 2021

Digital technology and COVID-19, artigo de Daniel Shu Wei Ting, Lawrence Carin, Victor Dzau e Tien Y. Wong

Recent advances in medical technology incited by digital transformation play a major role in fighting the COVID pandemic. IoT, Big Data, AI and Blockchain have several applications within the scope of the public health response to the pandemic. IoT-based technologies were used to track and trace infections in several countries throughout the world. Similarly, big data came to use for modeling disease activity, potential growth, and areas of spread. Further, artificial intelligence was used to detect COVID-19 from chest imaging. Blockchain technology was not applied widely, but it has certain applications such as the distribution of COVID-19 Vaccines. Many of these new technologies had their first appearance on the stage of public healthcare but it will most certainly not be their last. Enviado por Patrick Eugster

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